Estate Planning, Probate, Trust Administration and Conservatorships
Experience. Expertise. Track Record.
Wills / Trusts / Health Care Directives / Durable Powers of Attorney / Probate / Trust Administration
Myers Widders is dedicated to helping families of every background plan their estates and protect themselves and their loved ones. We offer comprehensive estate planning, probate and trust administration services. The firm offers a full range of services, from drafting wills and living trusts, durable powers of attorney and health care directives to designing and drafting complex estate plans for individuals with substantial estates who wish to maximize property transfers to their families while minimizing gift and estate taxes. We can also help with probate matters, including plans to avoid probate court completely. Our compassionate Estate Planning team at Myers Widders is ready to help you.

- A-B Trusts
- A-B-C- Trusts
- Disclaimer Trusts
- Life Insurance Trusts
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Qualified Residence Trusts
- Qualified Domestic Trusts
- Special Needs Trusts for persons receiving needs-based government benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income and Medi-CAL.
Succession Planning for Business Owners
Lifetime Planning for Your Estate – What Is Estate Planning?
Estate planning, simply put, is the collection of steps you need to take to make sure that your heirs are provided for in the best possible way, including lifetime planning as well as disposition of property at death. Estate planning is carried out with legal documents such as wills and trusts; it typically involves an attorney, and may be complicated if you have substantial assets.
However, every estate plan should start at the same point: decide who needs your support and how you want to provide for them. Although it may be difficult to sit down and plan for the day when you will no longer be here, it is essential and a real show of love for your family.
Changes in Estate Planning, Federal Estate Law, Gift Taxes, and Benefits
The firm also has experience advising clients on federal estate and gift tax law, as well as assisting clients who have accumulated substantial retirement/employee benefits in designing plans that successfully accomplish their long-term estate planning objectives.
We also offer trust administration services, including asset allocations, sub trust funding, conservatorship, and preparation of federal estate tax returns.
Estate Planning FAQ
Our Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Administration Team
Knowledge / Commitment / Integrity / CompassionFree Case Review
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Ventura Main Office
39 N. California Street
Ventura, CA 93001
Phone: (805) 644-7188
Toll Free: +1 (800) 711-2611
Fax: (805) 644-7390
Valencia Office
27240 Turnberry Lane Suite, 200
Valenica, CA 91355
Phone: (805) 644-7188
Toll Free: +1 (800) 711-2611
Fax: (805) 644-7390