Practice Areas:

Since 1993, Mr. Lee has represented entities of all sizes, from small privately held companies to large publicly held companies on a wide range of matters, including employment, corporate, contract, unfair business practices, real estate, litigation and appeal matters. He is experienced in all aspects of civil litigation from pre-litigation investigations to defending and prosecuting lawsuits through mediation, arbitration and trial. He has successfully defended class action lawsuits regarding product liability and wage and hour issues.
Workers in California are protected by various complex laws and regulations. Many employees and laborers are unaware of their rights in the workplace. It is essential that you understand your rights. If you feel you have been taken advantage of, mistreated or harassed in the workplace, we can help and guide you through this emotional and complicated situation.
For approximately ten years, Mr. Lee was the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Ojai and the City of Fillmore where he attended regular, special and closed session Council meetings, as well as staff and commission meetings. Mr. Lee was also the Acting City Attorney for the City of Ojai and Interim City Attorney for the City of Fillmore.
Mr. Lee obtained his B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1988. He received his law degree from Santa Clara University School of Law in 1992, where he earned an Internship Certification from the Institute of International and Comparative Law.
Mr. Lee is an avid long-distance runner, having completed numerous marathons. He also enjoys outdoor adventures such as backpacking, hiking, and scuba diving.
Mr. Lee is a member of the Ventura County Bar Association, Ventura County Trial Lawyers Association, Ventura County Bar Association – Business Litigation Section, Ventura County Bar Association – Employment Law Section and the Tri-Counties Local Government Attorneys’ Association. Mr. Lee is also a member of the Kiwanis Club of Ventura and was the former Ventura County Chapter Leader for the University of California at Santa Barbara Alumni Association.
He has authored several articles on employment issues and frequently lectures to business owners regarding various employment topics such as sexual harassment in the workplace, overtime, meal and rest breaks, and hiring, disciplining and terminating employees.
In 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2021, Mr. Lee was named to the “Who’s Who in Professional Services” list by the Pacific Coast Business Times.
Annual Employment Law Updates
How to Properly Terminate an Employee
Employees vs. Independent Contractors
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Prevention Training
Sensitivity in the Workplace Training
Employee Interview Do’s and Don’ts
Exempt versus Nonexempt Employees
Employers: Are You Properly Paying Your Employees?
Internet Usage by Employees
Do Employers Still Need to Ensure Their Employees Take Meal Breaks?
Employers Beware: Are You Shortchanging Your Employees?
Changes to Common Interest Development Manager Law
Common Interest Development Law-10 Frequently Asked Questions
Property Manager And Board Of Directors Water Damage and Mold Guideline